By Land, Sea, or Air (or Underground)?
by Bryan Bergeron
What’s the best way for robots to make deliveries? The main question is what form of transportation will serve us best in the short term? By land, sea, or air (or underground) — or a combination of all of the above?
March 2018
Servo Magazine
A Fan Controller for a 3D Printer Enclosure
Use an Arduino to monitor temperature when 3D printing with ABS plastic.
Embedding the RobotBASIC Robot Operating System into the Parallax Scribbler S3
Embed a custom version of RROS into a Scribbler S3.
Ultrasonic Radar Refresher — Part 2
Tutorial on active sensing with ultrasonic radar.
RoboGames Redux
Competing in RoboGames’ Firefighting and RoboMagellan events.
Then and Now
by Tom Carroll
Underwater Robots
When you’re going to depth in the ocean, there are special considerations for robots that are used underwater that don’t apply to ground-based platforms.
Twin Tweaks
by Bryce Woolley, Evan Woolley
Thinking Inside the Gearbox
Gearboxes give regular servos lots of extra strength.
by Jeff Eckert, Jenn Eckert
Stimulating Robot Tidbits (03.2018)
Stimulating tidbits on the latest happenings in robotics for consumers, universities, professionals, and everything else in between.
Combat Zone
Atrocious: The $200 Hobbyweight Part 3: Life, Death, and Rebirth
in The Combat ZoneThe final fate of the Hobbyweight, Atrocious.
Extinguisher Takes On Florida’s Best at the Orlando Maker Faire
Extinguisher Takes On Florida’s Best at the Orlando Maker Faire.
I Survived!
What really happened at the SCRC Kilobots’ 2017 Canadian National Championship.
in The Combat ZoneResults of the third ever SWORD (Student Wildcats of Robotic Design) Fights event held at the Pennsylvania College of Technology.