Myke Predko

Mimetics’ Chief Roboticist, Myke Predko is the designer of the Jade Robot, co-designer of the McGraw-Hill “Sumo-Bot,” as well as the author of 15 books on robotics and technology. Myke lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife, daughters, and their geriatric huskies.
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Myke's Articles
Servos the Right Way
May 2015
Learn how to get the most out of servos in your robotics applications.
A Spectrometer for Your Robot Projects
February 2015
For about $30 and a few hour’s work, you can build an Arduino based spectrometer to perform basic experiments with.
The Evolution of the Jade Robot
December 2014
Follow the journey that led to one of the most innovative robot platforms for STEM education currently available on the market.