Camp Peavy

Camp's Articles

RoboGames 2024
June 2022
An inside look at RoboGames 2024.

RoboGames 2023: The Times, The Bots, The People
April 2022
The long running “Olympics” style robot event is back!

Neato + ROS = Robot Navigation
January 2018
As difficult as robot navigation can be, it has never been easier to give your automaton the ability to know where it is.

RoboGames: The Original Robot Amateur Hour
July 2017
RoboGames (the Olympics for robots) is the biggest “open” robot event in the world.

RoboGames and Block Parties
July 2016
The Robot Block Party, RoboGames, RoboMagellan, and RAIN!

HBRC Challenge 2015
October 2015
The HomeBrew Robotics Club TABLEBot Challenge is in full swing. Check out these highlights on what has happened so far.

The Robots of Maker Faire
July 2015
After 10 years, this annual event continues to showcase some very cool automatons.

RoboGames 2015
June 2015
Like a Phoenix from a flame, this classic meeting of the robotic minds returned to San Mateo, CA this year.

Rodney Junior: Continuing Education
May 2015
Learning is random and hap-hazard at first. Ultimately, you gain memories of what to do based on prior experience, then use this info in similar situations. This is basically how we learn ... and how robots can learn too.

Rodney Junior: Smarter than the Average Robot
February 2015
Some basic guidelines are discussed for anyone who would like to investigate artificial intelligence by playing around with a robot.

Taking a Look at the Jade Robot
January 2015
So, just how does Jade stand up to some in-depth scrutiny ... read this product review to find out.

The Crow, the Skeleton, and the Pirate
September 2014
Sometimes it’s just fun to do crazy things with robots.

RoboBusiness 2013: A View from the Expo
January 2014
A quick recap of the recent event.

RoboGames 2009
August 2009
This year, “Agus mulyana” and “Akbar Alexander” from Indonesia took the gold with a Tarantula-legged robot called “NEXT-116.”

RoboGames: RoboMagellan 2008
Column: Appetizer
October 2008
It was a chilly June day above the Ft. Mason Center, San Francisco at the Great Meadow: 14 teams entered; eight took the field; five touched the goal; three touched the goal plus two bonus cones. “Zippy” and “Intrepid” traversing over 500 feet touched both bonus cones and the goal in exactly five minutes: 28 seconds ... a tie for the gold medal.