Posted in: SERVO Blog (09/09 at 01:58 PM)

Life size animatronic wolf tail


WolfTronix presents their method for creating a realistic animatronic wolf tail. It uses an Atmel MCU controlling two servos alongside a mess of Klixx toys and paper clips to produce a nice wag motion. The guide is extremely detailed and looks to be fun, so long as you don’t mind the monotonous task of shaving off potentially hundreds of ‘nubs’ as they call them.


A step by step guide on how to build your own animatronic tail

I have been told that I am doing a great service by having this “How To” available to the public, I do not charge anything for the viewing of it, I just make a few requests:

Share what you make as well, don’t keep “trade secrets”

Send me some pics of your finished animatronic tail (which no one has done yet)

Try to innovate, it is a simple matter to copy another’s work, believe me their is a lot that can be improved upon here, also my way is not always the best way.

You may build an animatronic tail for yourself, but they are for personal use only, you may not profit form it, i.e. you can not sell animatronic tails to others, if another person wants to buy a tail from you, then refer them to this site.

Wolf Tronix assumes no responsibility of any damage to you or others, including objects (such as table lamps, that could be knocked off the table by an inadvertent wag of the tail) due to the use of the tail, or construction of the tail, in other words, build this at your own risk!!!

[Source] Hack-A-Day via Wolf Tronix



