Paul Verhage

Paul's Articles

Get Your Robotics On!
December 2013
One of the goals of the Boise Robotics Group (The BoRG) is to teach folks how to make robots. See what they did and some of the lessons they learned themselves.

A Single Axis Robotic Arm With End Effector
May 2011
Arm your robot with this Space Shuttle inspired version that uses a snare for picking up objects.

HoverBot: Look Ma, No Wheels!
October 2010
This month, you’ll “dress” HoverBot in a skirt and add its drive fans.

Accessories For The CheapBot-14
August 2009
I really enjoy using the CheapBot-14 robot controller that I described in my SERVO article in the June ‘09 issue. It’s a nice entry-level robot controller and I think it makes a great robotics kit (the Lawrence, KS 4H also seems to agree). However, if the CheapBot-14 is going to behave like a robot, then it needs to sense the world around it. So, this time I’ll describe some of those sensors.